Custom Imprinted Promotional Advertising


Economy Desk Pad Blotter Calendar

Pricing Details

Production Time: 35 Working Days
100 $10.71 each
250 $7.59 each
500 $6.05 each
1000 $5.70 each
2500 $4.52 each
$20.00 per order
  • 12 Sheet Desk Planner
  • Budget Priced
  • Chipboard Back
  • Large Date Blocks for Notes & Memos
  • 3 Layouts Available
Make sure your ad message is in front of your best customers every day with this 22”w x 17”h Desk Blotter Calendar.
12 monthly sheets are printed on 50# bright white opaque offset paper and padded at the top with a sturdy 26 pt. chipboard backer. Day names of the week are printed in the same color as your ad.
Julian dates, week numbers, work days left in year and more in each date block. See options for available layouts, vinyl bottom corner colors, additional imprint colors and more. We offer 24 styles of Desk Blotter Calendars, see other styles. Preproduction digital proof included.

Normal Production Time
35 Working Days

Product Size
22" x 17"

49 lbs. per carton of 55

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
IMPRINT: Includes a one color black imprint in a 21"w x 3" h area at the top and 3.5"w x 8.5"h in layouts B and C. See options for additional set up charges for stock layout styles B and C.
See options for additional color printing, optional 13th month sheet, mailers and packaging.

For any questions, or to order by phone, call us toll free at 800-365-3351
Mailing address: 11128 Ferragamo Court, Las Vegas, NV 89141